Angiosperms: Dicotyledons
Daisy Family
Tall goldenrodSolidago canadensis L.
Solidago altissima L.
- Stem: perennial; 2 1/2’ to 3 1/2’ tall; unbranched; upper part of the stem hairy.
- Leaves: alternate; oval with tapering bases and sharp tips; sessile; 3” by 1/2”; toothed margins; short hairs above and below, somewhat rough; lower leaves drop before flowering.
- Inflorescence: branching flower stalk producing cone-shaped or inverted cone-shaped inflorescence; small heads crowded on one side of hairy, curved flower stalks.
- Heads: ray and disk flowers yellow; entire head 3/16” across; fillaries 1/16” long; flowering from early August to mid-September.
- Fruits: “seeds” (fruits) 1/16” long; fruiting begins in mid-August.
- Habitat: common in open, grassy areas, in open woods, and on prairies; quite weedy and increases in untended gardens and fields for several years after abandonment.
- Bibliography from Biodiversity Heritage Library
Can be found in these counties: