Browse => Angiosperms: Dicotyledons => Asteraceae
The species are presented in order by family and within families by genus. Pteridophytes, the ferns and fern allies, are first, followed by the flowering plants, dicots first and then monocots.
Asteraceae - Daisy Family
The daisy or composite family contains plants whose flowers are grouped into heads with small bracts attached at the base of the head. The individual flowers are attached to a rounded or cone-shaped receptacle. Two types of flowers are present. Ray flowers have all five petals fused into a single strap-shaped structure, often with a toothed tip. Disk flowers have the petals fused into a cylinder with each petal evident as a small point at the top of the cylinder. The ovary is inferior, and the sepals are modified into hairs or points attached to the top of the single-seeded fruit. The flowers may be arranged in three ways in the heads. The group that includes wild lettuce (and dandelion) has only ray flowers in the heads; these plants also have milky juice in the leaves and stems. Most composites have ray flowers around the outer margin of the head with the center filled with disk flowers; sunflowers and asters typify this group. A small group that includes the blazing stars and thistles has only disk flowers in the heads.