False boneset Brickellia eupatorioides (L.) Shinners Kuhnia eupatorioides L.
Stem: perennial; 2 1/2’ to 3 1/2’ tall; unbranched; hairy.
Leaves: alternate; crowded on the stems; narrow, with short-tapered bases and long, sharp tips; sessile; 2 1/2” by 1/2” and smaller; few to many marginal teeth (three to four per inch); hairy above and below; dark pits on the leaf surface.
Inflorescence: numerous heads on branched flower stalks from the stem tip and upper leaf axils.
Heads: white disk flowers (no ray flowers); heads 3/8” wide; fillaries hairy, lance-shaped, about 1/4” tall; flowering from late July to late August.
Fruits: “seeds” (fruits) 1/8” long with fuzzy plumes; in fruit the head is a fuzzy ball 3/4” in diameter; fruiting begins in mid-August.
Habitat: on dry and sandy prairies to moist prairies in western Iowa; also on less disturbed roadsides and in open places.