Pussytoes Field pussytoes Antennaria neglecta Greene
Stem: perennial; very short with basal leaves; flower stalk somewhat lax and up to 6” long.
Leaves: basal; widest above the middle with long-tapering bases and rounded to sharp points at the tips; 2” by 1/2” and smaller; sessile with one main vein; very hairy above and below.
Inflorescence: several heads clustered at the tip of a hairy flower stalk having tiny (1/2” long) pointed leaves.
Heads: white; 1/2” across, rays fringed at the tip; fuzzy when mature with plumes on the “seeds”; fillaries 1/4” long with a dark spot near the tip.
Fruits: “seeds” (fruits) 1/32” long with 1/4” plumes.
Habitat: common; usually in clusters of plants; in openings in woods and on dry and sandy prairies.