Angiosperms: Dicotyledons
Rose Family
Sunshine roseRosa arkansana Porter
Rosa suffulta Greene
- Stem: perennial; 2’ tall shrub; prickly.
- Leaves: alternate; pinnately compound; blades 5” by 2”; leaf stalks 1/2” to 1” long, smooth; seven to nine leaflets per leaf, 7/8” by 1/2”, toothed margins; smooth above and below.
- Inflorescence: several flowers at the end of a flower stalk from an upper leaf axil; corymbiform.
- Flowers: petals pink to red-pink, 5/8” long; sepals lance-shaped, 1/2” long; many yellow stamens; petals and sepals attached to the top of the round ovary, 1/4” in diameter; flowering from early June to early July.
- Fruits: a “hip” 3/8” in diameter; red or brown; attached sepals not curved backward; one-seeded fruits within the hip 5/16” long, tan, hairy on one side; fruiting begins in late June.
- Habitat: common on upland prairies; also on sandy prairies, on roadsides, and in other open places.
- Notes: Sunshine rose hybridizes extensively with pasture rose, Rosa Carolina, sometimes making determinations difficult.
- Bibliography from Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Vascular Plants of Iowa
Can be found in these counties: