Glaucous white lettuce Smooth white lettuce Prenanthes racemosa Michx.
Stem: perennial; 3’ to 4’ tall; unbranched; smooth; with milky juice in the stem and leaves.
Leaves: alternate; wider above the middle, tapering bases clasping the stem (sessile), rounded tips, the upper leaves having small ears at the base; 10” by 3” below to 3” by 1 1/2” above; small, irregular teeth on the margin; smooth above and below.
Inflorescence: ten to fifteen heads on short, branching stalks from the upper leaf axils; the total inflorescence 8” to 12” long; cylindric.
Heads: only ray flowers; ray flowers pink to purple; head 5/8” across; fillaries overlapping, lance-shaped, 1/2” tall, long-hairy; flowering from late August to late September.
Fruits: “seeds” (fruits) 1/4” long; plumes 5/16” long; fruiting begins in early September.
Habitat: infrequent on moist to upland prairies, also in open woods.