Angiosperms: Dicotyledons
Rose Family
Tall cinquefoilPotentilla arguta Pursh
- Stem: perennial; 2 1/2’ to 4’; unbranched; hairy.
- Leaves: alternate; pinnately compound; blades 5” by 2 1/2”, widest above the middle; leaf stalks 2” to 3” long, typically five pairs of leaflets plus the end leaflet; margins of leaflets double-toothed; upper leaves sessile, with fewer leaflets; hairy above and below.
- Inflorescence: clusters of flowers at ends of branching hairy flower stalk; inflorescence 3” to 5” long.
- Flowers: petals cream, 1/2” long; calyx 1/2” long, lobes pointed with shorter bracts between the lobes; stamens and pistils many; flowering from early to late July.
- Fruits: many, one-seeded, 1/32” long, brown; often remaining in the dry, nearly closed calyx; fruiting begins in late July.
- Habitat: frequent on dry to mesic prairies.
- Bibliography from Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Vascular Plants of Iowa
Can be found in these counties: