Angiosperms: Dicotyledons
Spurge Family
SpurgeEuphorbia glyptosperma Engelm.
- Notes: Euphorbia glyptosperma is a very short plant (to 6” tall), much branched, and sprawling. The leaves are opposite, small (3/8” by 1/8”), and densely packed on the stem. The inflorescence is similar to E. dentata. The “flowers” have white, reflexed margins which are sometimes fringed. The ovaries and fruits are similar to E. corollata. Flowering is from early July to late August, and fruiting begins in mid-July. The habitat is dry sandy roadsides and prairies and Loess Hills prairies, usually with some disturbance.
- Bibliography from Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Vascular Plants of Iowa
Can be found in these counties: