Stem: perennial; 2’ to 3’ tall; seldom branched; short-hairy.
Leaves: alternate; deeply, narrowly lobed into threes; each lobe again divided; leaf stalks 3” long, hairy; blades 2 1/27’ by 1 1/4”, hairy above and below.
Inflorescence: raceme with overlapping flowers; 6” or longer.
Flowers: both calyx and corolla white; upper sepals elongated into a curved spur, 1/2” long; lower petals 3/4” long, cupped; flowering from early June to mid-July.
Fruits: three-lobed capsules, 5/8” long by 1/4” in diameter; tips of the lobes curved outward; often only the lower flowers setting fruit; fruiting begins in mid-June.
Habitat: common on dry and sandy prairies to upland prairies, especially in northwestern Iowa, to infrequent in southeast Iowa.