Prairie Indian plantain Cacalia plantaginea (Raf.) Shinners Cacalia tuberosa Nutt.
Stem: perennial; 3’ to 5’ tall; branching near the top; smooth with riblike lines.
Leaves: alternate; mostly on the lower stem and reduced in size above; oval and tapering to both ends, blades 5” by 3” with 3” to 7” leaf stalks; smooth-edged; smooth above and below.
Inflorescence: corymbiform, with flower stalks from the stem tip and upper leaf axils.
Heads: white; fillaries with prominent ribs; five disk flowers per head; flowering from late June to mid-July.
Fruits: “seeds” (fruits) 3/16” long with prominent veins and rough surfaces, hairy plumes 5/16” long; fruiting begins in late July.
Habitat: infrequent on wet to moist prairies, sometimes on drier sites.