Angiosperms: Monocotyledons
Grass Family
DropseedTall dropseedSporobolus asper (Michx.) Kunth
- Stem: perennial; tufted; 2’ to 3’ tall; smooth.
- Leaves: sheath smooth; ligule 1/4” long, of hairs; blade 6” to 9” by 3/16”, tapering to threadlike tip, prominent auricles at the base of the blade, smooth.
- Inflorescence: contracted, branching flower stalk (panicle); 4” to 6” long; developing within the sheath of the uppermost leaf and becoming more or less exposed with maturity.
- Spikelets: 3/16” long; with a single floret; glumes shorter than the lemma; flowering begins in mid-August.
- Fruits: grain 1/16” in diameter, round; the outer water-absorbent coating very thin; the dark embryo visible in the grain; grains begin falling from the spikelets in late September.
- Habitat: frequent in sandy or rocky soils, on prairies, and on roadsides; most common in southeastern and south-central Iowa, very uncommon in northwestern Iowa.
- Bibliography from Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Vascular Plants of Iowa
Can be found in these counties: