Angiosperms: Monocotyledons
Grass Family
Plains muhlyMuhlenbergia cuspidata (Torrey) Rydb.
- Notes: Muhlenbergia cuspidata is similar to M. racemosa except the leaf blades are longer (4” to 6”) and very narrow (1/32” to 1/16”); the inflorescence is not as compact, with spikelets nearly sessile on stalks, 2” to 4” long; spikelets are smaller (1/16” long); flowering is from mid-July to early August; fruiting begins in early August; fruits begin falling from the glumes in September; frequent on dry prairies, Loess Hills prairies, and rocky or sandy prairies, becoming very infrequent in the eastern part of its range in Iowa.
- Bibliography from Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Vascular Plants of Iowa
Can be found in these counties: