Angiosperms: Monocotyledons
Sedge Family
SedgeCarex bicknellii Britton
- Notes: Carex bicknellii is a tufted perennial with smooth stems 2’ to 3’ tall. The smooth leaf blades are 12” by 1/16”. Several roundish spikes, 5/16” long, are clustered at the tip of the stem. In each spike the male florets are at the base of the spike. The perigynium is oval, 1/8” long, and flat with winged edges. The perigynium tapers abruptly to a two-pointed beak with two protruding stigmas. Seedlike fruits are flat and 3/32” in diameter. Flowering is from mid-May to mid-June. Fruiting begins in late May. Fruits are held tightly through the summer. C. bicknellii is frequent on moist to mesic prairies and also is found on dry and sandy prairies.
- Bibliography from Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Vascular Plants of Iowa
Can be found in these counties: