Angiosperms: Dicotyledons
Daisy Family
Willow asterAster praealtus Poiret
- Notes: Aster praealtus is similar to A. laevis in height and branching. The leaves are sessile but not clasping, linear, with long-tapering tips. They are narrower (2”-3” by 1/4”-5/16”) and much smaller above (3/4” by 3/16”) with prominent veins below. The inflorescence is more branched. The heads have bluish purple rays with yellow disks; the fillaries are 3/16” long and long-pointed with the dark mid-rib widening toward the tip. Flowering is from early to late September, and fruiting begins in late September. A. praealtus is infrequent on moist prairies and in open woods.
- Bibliography from Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Vascular Plants of Iowa
Can be found in these counties: