Angiosperms: Dicotyledons
Legume Family
Wild beanStrophostyles leiosperma (T. & G.) Piper
- Notes: Strophostyles leiosperma is similar to S. helvula but the leaves have only three leaflets which are narrower (1” by 1/4”) and not lobed. There is one flower per flower stalk with a bump on the stalk below the flower. The corolla is shorter (1/4”), and the calyx is densely hairy. Fruits are shorter (1”), finely hairy, and less tubular. Flowering is from early August to mid-September, and fruiting begins in mid-August. S. leiosperma is frequent in open, dry, rocky, and sandy disturbed places to open woods.
- Bibliography from Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Vascular Plants of Iowa
Can be found in these counties: