Bristly crowfoot Bristly buttercup Ranunculus pensylvanicus L. f.
Stem: perennial; 1 1/2’ to 2 1/2’ tall; some branching above; stiff yellowish hairs.
Leaves: alternate; divided into threes, then sharply lobed into threes again; blades 2 1/2” by 1 1/2”, long-hairy above and below; leaf stalk 3” to 4” long, stiff-hairy with clasping bases.
Inflorescence: clusters of two or three flowers on separate flower stalks from the upper leaf axils, the leaves sessile, three-divided.
Flowers: petals white, 1/4” long; numerous stamens and pistils; sepals 1/4” long, hairy; flowering from mid-July to early August.
Fruits: one-seeded, flattened, more or less circular, 1/8” long, with a short beak; numerous fruits clustered on an elongate base (receptacle), the clusters 3/8” long by 3/16” in diameter; fruiting begins in late July.
Habitat: very infrequent on low wet prairies and in marshes.