Blue flag Iris shrevei L. Small Iris virginica var. shrevei (Small) E. Anderson
Stem: perennial; 1 1/2’ to 2 1/2’ tall; unbranched; smooth.
Leaves: mostly basal; lance-shaped, tapering to a pointed tip; 1’ to 1 1/2’ by 1”; smooth above and below.
Inflorescence: raceme of a few flowers; each flower above a sheathing bract, to 2” long.
Flowers: petals and sepals blue, attached at the top of the ovary (inferior ovary); three style branches, flat and spreading, obscure the three stamens lying above the sepals; flowering from early to late June.
Fruits: capsule; 1 1/2” to 3” long by 1/2” in diameter; with three chambers; seeds flat, 1/4” across, with corky, brown seed coats; fruiting begins in mid-June.
Habitat: frequent on marshy ground, pond edges, and roadsides.
Notes: As the fruits begin to develop the flower parts curl inward and self-digest. Insect larvae often burrow through the ripening capsule, eating the embryos of the seeds. Usually a few seeds are spared.