Angiosperms: Dicotyledons
Daisy Family
HawkweedHieracium longipilum Torrey
- Notes: Hieracium longipilum is shorter than H. umbellatum (about 2’). It has long, fine hairs (1/2” long) on the stem and leaves. The leaves are mostly basal (4” by 3/4”) with the stem leaves 1” long below to 1/4” long above. There are few flower heads (3-10) in a corymbiform inflorescence. The heads are similar except the fillaries are hairy. The “seeds” (fruits) are longer (5/32”) and black with 1/4” plumes. Flowering is from early to late August, and fruiting begins in mid-August. H. longipilum is very infrequent on dry, rocky, and sandy prairies.
- Bibliography from Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Vascular Plants of Iowa
Can be found in these counties: