Wilcox’s panic grass Panicum wilcoxianum Vasey Dichanthelium oligosanthes var. wilcoxianum
Notes: Dichanthelium oligosanthes var. wilcoxianum is a tufted perennial with a prominent winter rosette. The leaf sheaths have bulb-based hairs. The ligule is of hairs less than 1/16” long. The hairy leaf blade is 2” to 4” by 3/16”. The inflorescence is up to 2 1/2” long with short-hairy purple (when mature) spikelets 3/32” long. Flowering is from early to late June. Fruiting begins in mid-June, and spikelets begin dropping in July. D. oligosanthes var. wilcoxianum is infrequent on dry, rocky prairies and Loess Hills prairies and is also on sandy prairies, decreasing in frequency to the east and south.