Angiosperms: Dicotyledons
Legume Family
Goat’s-rueTephrosia virginiana (L.) Pers.
- Stem: perennial; 1’ to 2 1/2’ tall, not much branched above but sometimes with several branches from the base; hairy.
- Leaves: alternate; 2” to 4” long; pinnately compound with twenty or more leaflets, each 1/2” to 1” by 3/32” to 3/16”, with a tiny sharp tip; smooth above, long-hairy below.
- Inflorescence: usually terminal, several-flowered raceme; about 2” long.
- Flowers: sweet-pea type flowers, large lower petals (standard) white with remaining petals red; calyx hairy with five equal points, 1/4” long; flowering from early to late June.
- Fruits: pods; long-tubular, 1 1/2” to 2” long, twisting and splitting open upon drying; seeds round, 1/8” in diameter, flattened; fruiting begins in mid-June.
- Habitat: infrequent on sandy prairies and dunes to sandy open woods.
- Bibliography from Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Vascular Plants of Iowa
Can be found in these counties: