Stem: perennial; 1 1/2’ to 2 1/2’ tall; unbranched; smooth.
Leaves: opposite; oval, rounded bases and tips; 1 1/2” by 5/8”; sessile; smooth above and below; tiny, black dots above and below.
Inflorescence: corymbiform; clusters of flowers on branching flower stalks at tips of branches.
Flowers: petals yellow with tiny black dots; flowers 3/8” across; many stamens; sepals 1/8” long, oval, pointed, black-dotted; flowering from early July to mid-August.
Fruits: seedpods a nearly round capsule with the remains of the style as a point at the top; 1/8” in diameter; covered with black dots; fruiting begins in mid-July.
Habitat: frequent on upland prairies, in open places and open woods; more abundant with some disturbance.