Bunch-flower Melanthium virginicum L. Veratrum virginicum (L.) Ait. f.
Stem: perennial; 4’ to 5’ tall; branched near the top, with long downy hairs on the ridges.
Leaves: alternate; linear, with clasping bases and sharp tips; 4” to 18” by 3/4”; smooth above and below.
Inflorescence: several racemes from the stem tip and upper leaf axils, to 10” long; many flowers on each flower stalk; flower stalk with curly hairs.
Flowers: petals and sepals white, 1/4” long, with narrow base and widening above, two nectar-producing glands near the base of each sepal and petal; ovary 3/16” long, with three curving style branches; flowering from early to mid-July.
Fruits: capsule, 1/2” long, with three linear lobes; flower parts remain attached and turn green; fruiting begins in late July.
Habitat: very uncommon on moist prairies; also on mesic prairie.