Notes: Carex muhlenbergii is a tufted to rhizomatous perennial with a triangular stem 1’ to 2’ tall. The basal leaf sheaths are tight around the stem and green. The leaves are 10” to 18” by 1/8” and gradually taper to a sharp tip. The inflorescence is lobed and 3/8” to 1 1/4” long, made up of several clustered spikes. The male flowers are located at the tip of each spike. Each spike has diverging florets with perigynia 3/16” by 5/32”, oval, flat, and tapering rather abruptly to two teeth. Two stigmas protrude from the perigynium. The seedlike fruits are flat and round, are 3/32” in diameter, and have a short beak. Flowering begins in mid-May, and fruits form in late May and June. Fruits begin dropping in late June. C. muhlenbergii is frequent in sandy, moist soil in open places and woodland edges.